
TurboZIP is a convenient and powerful ZIP archive and E-mail manager for most commonly used Internet compressed file formats (zip, exe, tar, gz, z) including Microsoft Windows compressed file format, and E-mail formats, UU Encode (uue), Binhex (hqx, hex), and MIME (mme).

TurboZIP provides the basic zipping, unzipping, encoding, and decoding features. More importantly, it provides essential supporting tools so that you can work with archive files without having to unzip them. In addition, TurboZIP Auto Backup can quickly save your critical work in the industry standard ZIP archive format. Here are the highlights of what TurboZIP can do for you:

TurboZIP provides the unique fuzzy search capability for finding files by comments or by contents with exact or best match in word spelling. TurboZIP also provides built in proprietary decoding filters for easy, convenient, and high quality file previewing and printing of most popular file formats without having to have the native applications that created the files. For a partial list of file viewing formats supported, please see Available Viewers for more information.

Also unique are the ZIP Set and Auto Scan features, which let you organize your archived and e-mail files, even when those files are not in your computer or network. You can always use the TurboZIP customizable Auto Backup feature to automatically backup your critical work in space saving ZIP archives.